Sunday, July 26, 2020

Summer Season Housing Trends

Summer Season Housing Trends Housing Trends for Summer of 17 Identifying factors, forces, and trends influencing the market is part of being a real estate agent. This knowledge affects comparative market analyses and listing prices, offers, marketing choices, and renovation investments. While you may be tired of hearing about millennials, paying attention to what they’re into now can help you predict movements that will dominate the industry in the future. You may read some  creative  ideas of an open house here. So, let’s take a look at some trends in the residential real estate industry this summer. Boomers and Millennials The National Association of REALTORS ® predicted that these two generations will dominate the 2017 real estate market and well into the coming years. Millennials and boomers are each expected to make up about 30% of buyers. Also, cities in the Midwest such as Madison, Columbus, Omaha, Des Moines, and Minneapolis are attracting more millennials due to strong affordability. Outdoor Entertaining With summer barbecues and picnics top of mind, prospective buyers will be yearning for intimate spaces with water features, inviting backyards, and cozy seating areas. Entertaining migrates outside during the summer, so outdoor design is enjoying a surge of attention. Homes with spacious yards, patios, porches, decks, or verandas will be in high demand. Indoor/outdoor living spaces that blend gardens and living rooms have been trending in recent years, sporting stackable doors, new flooring materials, and floor-to-ceiling retractable glass walls and screens. Home Offices Nearly a quarter of working Americans did some or all of their work from home in 2015, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and some polls put it at 30 to 40%. With telecommuting technologies becoming more common, homeowners will need home offices or spaces for work stations. Rooms that can easily transform to different purposes are attractive for their efficient use of space. Energy Efficiency Customers are getting more savvy when it comes to energy costs and efficiency as they’re increasingly aware of big utility bills. Low energy surface coatings, films, shields, and glass tiles for windows and walls are more popular with new houses. Heated floors can save energy and heat entire rooms. Walkability Driving and parking in downtown neighborhoods can be a pain. More homebuyers are warming to the idea of suburbs close to town centers. Houses within walking distance of public transit and commercial centers with locally owned shops are seeing increased value and interest from consumers. The distance to attractive amenities and neighborhoods is being included with advertised listing information. Social Spots More developments are offering spaces for residents and friends to gather for the face-to-face interactions desired by social media addicted consumers. When people are spending more time at work and online, a longing for real life connections grows. Community gathering spaces are becoming popular especially with residents who don’t live close to entertainment options. Clubhouses, decks, pools, fitness centers, and free monthly events provide a sense of community. Look for these amenities to attract millennial buyers and help listings stand out from the crowd. Play Spaces Home is increasingly viewed as a refuge from the world and a place to relax. Homebuyers are looking for great spaces to spend their free time. Outdoor ovens, bocce courts, putting greens, game rooms, and home theaters are trending up on buyers’ wish lists. Built-in Bars This one is popping up on a lot of trend lists. People love entertaining so it’s no wonder built-in bars are gaining popularity. A dedicated bar nook with built-in shelving, cabinets, and a small seating area gives a house that special something that will stick in buyers’ minds. Built-in bars offer tons of decorating opportunities and a perfect stage for showing off cocktail mixing skills. Keep an eye on these markets and trends. Staying in tune with how modern people are living and what buyers want prepares you to sell houses fast for the best prices. Market analysis and trend tracking are part of a real estate agent’s job. Want to learn more or train to get your real estate license? You can easily do that anytime you want wherever you have internet. is the smart, reliable choice for interactive online real estate courses. Find the real estate prelicense package that’s right for you today.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume

You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume Putting Volunteer Work on a Resume You Can (and Should) Put Volunteer Work on a Resume Great karma isn't the main thing you can work by chipping in. You can likewise fabricate an extraordinary resume. Adding charitable effort to your resume is particularly useful in case you're simply beginning, evolving professions, or coming back to work. Also, despite the fact that volunteer aptitudes don't take care of the tabs, your volunteer experience could be the pass to your next check. In an article for (Use Volunteering to Try Something New), Susan G. Ellis calls attention to that charitable effort puts new alumni an indent above individual understudies who can just rundown study hall studies and summer occupations on their resumes; empowers profession changers to show managers that they need to roll out an improvement, yet have just rolled out the improvement and are presently prepared to take it into a full-time job; gives an approach to individuals coming back to work to move once again into the working environment, fabricate fearlessness, and raise their abilities back to an acceptable level; and gives you current contacts and references to assist you with finding a paying activity. In case you're despite everything made up for lost time in the idea that it's by one way or another cheating to put humanitarian effort on your resume, get over it. I like the manner in which they put it on the Ask a Manager blog: Your achievements are your achievements. It's nobody's business the amount you got paid for them, regardless of whether that sum is zero. Be that as it may, maybe it would assist with considering yourself taking on free work as opposed to a volunteer. Effective vocation changer Barbara Dozetos clarifies in a Monster article (Volunteer Work Does Your Resume Good) how electing to compose for a network paper helped her make the move from accounting to composing. Despite the fact that she realized she had extraordinary composing abilities, her resume was loaded up with accounting employments. Through humanitarian effort, she helped a reason that was significant to her and constructed a portfolio that propelled her composing profession. Where Does It Go on Your Resume? Ordinarily, pro bono positions can go directly in with paid occupations, organized a similar way (title, dates, brief depiction, achievements). What's more, you ought to consider referencing it in either your Objective or Professional Summary. Models: Objective: To apply the post office based mail aptitude picked up as a volunteer promoting facilitator for the Cystic Fibrosis Society to a full-time position as .... A half year's experience showing Internet aptitudes at Springfield Assisted Living.... Charitable effort that is irrelevant to your focused on position (yet at the same time makes you look great) can go under a heading, for example, Community Service toward the finish of the resume, or potentially in your introductory letter. Instructions to Become a Volunteer In case you're keen on finding a volunteer position and aren't sure where to begin, visit or to be coordinated with associations in your general vicinity, or check the sites of associations you'd prefer to work for free.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Four of the Most Common Resume Mistakes

Four of the Most Common Resume Mistakes Four of the Most Common Resume Mistakes 1.) The primary, generally normal, botch individuals make on their resumes that will cost them the activity is language and spelling mistakes. While it may appear as though you can simply run the spell checker on your promise handling system to forestall spelling blunders, this isn't generally the situation. Commonly these spell checkers miss words that are spelled accurately however don't fit into the sentence appropriately or are not the word you intended to utilize. For instance on the off chance that you intended to state: Labored for a long time as a director, yet you composed Worked thee years as a chief, the spell checker would for the most part not get on that. As a note, in this equivalent model, the language structure checker didn't get the mistake either. This is the reason it is so imperative to peruse and rehash your resume before sending it off. These mistakes look messy and sluggish, however the business may consider this to be you not thinking enough about the activit y to set aside the effort to check your resume. 2.) The subsequent error individuals make isn't fitting their resume for each activity they apply for. You may have created an impeccable resume, with no spelling blunders or syntactic slip-ups however as the individual exploring it sees you put accentuation on your work in past bookkeeping positions, yet the position you're applying for is in enlistment. While you may likewise have involvement with enlistment, your resume was customized for another target. Another mix-up in a similar vein that numerous individuals make on their resumes is making a conventional resume and sending it out to all the organizations that may have positions in your field. This strategy isn't as successful as it would appear, in light of the fact that when the business takes a gander at the resume they can tell it is conventional as it makes no particular notices of their organization and what you can offer for that particular position. By fitting your resume explicitly for each organization you apply with, you are demonstrating that you have set aside the effort to investigate the organization and truly give them why you're a solid match for their position. 3.) The third basic misstep individuals make when reviewing their resume is including such a large number of individual subtleties and cushion. This lighten frequently seems to be urgent or totally phony. Numerous businesses likewise observe those cushion words or depictions, as imaginative reasoning or practitioner not a visionary or committed, faithful specialist, as an approach to fill in the holes for work understanding or aptitudes you don't have that are required for the activity. In case you're going to utilize unmistakable words or expressions to portray your hard working attitude or character, you need to ensure they are identified with the activity you're applying for and keep in touch with them that way. Other lighten components may incorporate achievements that have nothing to do with the range of abilities required for the position you are applying for or obsolete PC information or different aptitudes. As a last tip, it is a smart thought to never incorporate data about your conjugal status, political or strict affiliations, age or the quantity of youngsters you have. 4.) The last slip-up individuals make while making their resume is having poor plan or format in their resume. Did you realize that half of the effect your resume has originates from the plan and design? This implies your resume could get tossed out of an imminent bosses stack since it doesn't look great! You don't need your resume to be excessively planned with bunches of lines and distinctive textual style types and sizes. The key is to making a smoothed out resume that is anything but difficult to follow and features your qualities and aptitudes that settle on you appear the best decision for the position. gets from design. A scattered resume is a certain fire approach to disappoint the individual understanding it and have it tossed in the rubbish, alongside any possibility you needed to score a meeting. One thing numerous businesses whine about is the extravagant resume layouts you can browse in Word, or other word preparing programs. They don't care for them since they frequently utilize such a large number of various text style types and sizes, lines and fields that are not required. Also, on the off chance that you've at any point chipped away at a resume in Word, you realize how baffling it very well may be to dispose of undesirable fields and lines and make text styles the correct size to look progressively uniform. The most ideal approach to get a smoothed out resume is by utilizing an online resume developer, for example, Resume or What's far and away superior about these is that these and numerous others are free, and one specifically,, even believers your data into a Word archive for you so you can send it off to imminent bosses. Remember these pointers while getting ready and editing your resume and you make certain to build your odds of catching that desired meeting. Best of luck!Master the specialty of shutting arrangements and making positions. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. We're SHRM ensured. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access more than 20 courses. Incredible for the individuals who need to break into selecting, or enrollment specialists who need to advance their vocation.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Thank You Email After An Interview Example

Much obliged to You Email After An Interview Example This previous end of the week, a young lady asked me, Do I truly need to send a card to say thanks after my interview?Let me be gruff: Ive been both the interviewee and the questioner many occasions in my profession, and I just won't recruit any individual who doesnt send a convenient card to say thanks following the prospective employee meeting. I realize I am not the only one in this approach. A few other employing administrators Ive worked with feel a similar way; it is nevera smart thought for an occupation searcher notto send a card to say thanks or follow-up email after an interview.So, the appropriate response is, unequivocally, YES. During a pursuit of employment, up-and-comers should most certainly send a subsequent email to forthcoming managers after an on location meet, an educational meeting, a telephone meet or an in-person meet. So for what reason is the card to say thanks so basic, and what should it include?Why Send a Thank-You NoteIts Good EtiquetteThe meet isn't ove r when you leave the room.Maybe you went through hours on your prospective employee meet-up arrangement. You might be feeling too certain about your reactions to the inquiries you were posed. In any case, if Im considering recruiting you, I need to think about something other than what you state and how you present yourself. I need to recognize what you do. What's more, Im going to suspect that data by assessing what you do after the gathering: Do you send a card to say thanks? Do you have post-meet follow-up questions that you mindfully make into an email? For what reason do I care such a great amount about your post-talk with decorum? Since I need to know whether your correspondence style is a solid match for me and my group. By what method will you handle work communications? Will you catch up with customers? Are you a professional?When you compose a thank you letter (or dont), you are exhibiting your subsequent aptitudes. From your way to deal with the subsequent email, Im asses sing your undertaking the board aptitudes and whether your composed correspondence is convincing. I can likewise tell whether you can be innovative and thoughtful.Dont simply produce the run of the mill reaction (for the most part something like, Im extremely amped up for the chance to join your organization.) Instead, add on to a portion of the subjects you canvassed in the meeting, or send some fascinating development. For instance: I making the most of our conversation about online life and its job in the promoting esteem chain. I thought this article from HBR may intrigue you.Also, emphasize with insightful detail why you are a convincing fit for the activity. Rundown three reasons that talk explicitly to ventures or occupation obligations shrouded in your activity interview.If you met with a few people, send them customized messages. You can reuse some center components, yet redo them dependent on your discussions. (Which implies you should take notes during the meetings so you can recollect who said what.)You need to show that youre keen on the job.The playing field for great employments is serious. All things considered, 100 individuals go after each open job as indicated by ERE. Employing chiefs need to recruit individuals who are anxious to have the proposition for employment. So impart your fervor about the activity through your email development and make it brief. As I would like to think, you ought to catch up by means of email that day under all circumstances.If you arent clear in your plan and wants, you can be sure another person will be and theyll land the position rather than you.Several individuals have asked me, What about a manually written note? Or then again sending a note to say thanks? While I think a transcribed note is a stunning motion in principle, Im apprehensive its somewhat old in the age where everybody has an email address. Bosses are hoping to perceive how youll lead business, and in my view, sending composed cards to say than ks are simply not an extraordinary sign of present day rehearses contrasted with a thank you email. Besides, they just dont have the quickness so I may have just settled on a choice about you before the snail mail advances toward me.If a composed card to say thanks or letter is a piece of your own style and youre appended to it, at that point send it notwithstanding the email follow up.If your questioner or questioners dont give you a business card or you dont realize their email address, you can either approach them for it toward the finish of the meeting (and disclose that youd like to have it for follow-up purposes), or you can email whoever orchestrated the meeting to demand it so you can send a thank you email after interview.Youre demonstrating great manners.In expansion to assessing whether you can satisfactorily play out the obligations of the activity, any great recruiting chief is additionally utilizing the meeting procedure to decide if you are somebody they would really need to work with. I would say, its consistently critical to discover somebody to employ who can fit well with the organization culture, coexist with others, and speak to our group and friends splendidly when I cannot be there.Manners are basic. On the off chance that you dont compose a card to say thanks or email, particularly after an in-person talk with, Id need to address whether you have the sort of habits that would make you a constructive expansion to the group. On the off chance that applicants dont send a thank you letter, would they say they are the sort of individual who will be chaotic in the lunchroom? Or on the other hand unpleasant to associates? What conduct would you say you are bringing to the table? The nonappearance of a note is simply not a decent ideadoesnt help the impression youre attempting to makeThe organization just has a couple of information focuses about you on which to settle on a recruiting choice so put in your absolute best effort to help your oppo rtunity of settling on a decent impression in the dynamic process.Even in the event that you dont need the activity, you should ALWAYS still send a meeting follow-up email. Each time you talk with, you are establishing a connection and another conceivable association. Its a little, little world and no one can tell how your way may cross once more. So set aside the effort to compose a note at any rate. It shouldnt take more than 10 minutes.Am I simply antiquated? Possibly. be that as it may, possibly so is your questioner. Would you truly like to chance it?How long do you hold on to send a thank you letter after an interview?The short answer? You DONT pause! Send a follow-up thank-you email when you assemble yourself, the notes you have, and any inquiries you may require further explanation on. Dont stand by longer than 24 hours before sending a thank you email. By then youll as of now be forgotten.When you do development, make sure to unequivocally thank your questioner and anybody you interacted with all through the meeting. You can incorporate remarks and questions you may have post-meet, yet every email ought to incorporate an express gratitude toward you.How long does a thank you letter need to be?Generally, your email ought to be a couple of short passages long so you can sufficiently thank your questioner for her time and remark on explicit parts of the meeting you discovered noteworthy.Try to incorporate in any event a couple of explicit remarks about what you talked about, for example, an assignment youre amped up for performing or an obligation youd love to have. This shows you were locked in and focusing during the meeting. Ensure you pronounce your eagerness for the activity generally speaking, too.An Example of a Thank-You NoteNow that youre (ideally) persuaded of the cards to say thanks significance, what should it look like?Below is a fundamental format of what an elegantly composed example thank-you letter ought to include:Subject line:Thank you (position you applied for) interviewBody:Hi (questioner name),Thanks such a great amount for the setting aside the effort to meet with me today! After our discussion, Im significantly increasingly amped up for the possibility to turn into a (position name) at (organization name). In view of what you outlined for me (x, y, and z subjects talked about in the meeting, preferably) inside the organization, I consider this to be as a superb counterpart for my qualities and range of abilities. Given the chance, I genuinely trust I could be of an incentive to you in (x, y, and z ways).I anticipate got notification from you. What's more, if theres any extra data with which I can give you, if it's not too much trouble dont falter to let me know.Best,(Your Name)And there you have it! That wasnt so hard, was it?Have you discovered a viable method to catch up after a meeting? Assuming this is the case, share your recommendation and feelings with other ladies in our locale.- - Romy Newman is Pre sident of Fairygodboss and the fellow benefactor. Shes determined to improve the work environment for ladies by making more prominent straightforwardness. Preceding establishing Fairygodboss, Romy went through more than ten years at The Wall Street Journal, Google and Estee Lauder, where she held different positions of authority. Romy earned her BA from Yale University and her MBA from Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management.

Thank You Email After An Interview Example

Much obliged to You Email After An Interview Example This previous end of the week, a young lady asked me, Do I truly need to send a card to say thanks after my interview?Let me be gruff: Ive been both the interviewee and the questioner many occasions in my profession, and I just won't recruit any individual who doesnt send a convenient card to say thanks following the prospective employee meeting. I realize I am not the only one in this approach. A few other employing administrators Ive worked with feel a similar way; it is nevera smart thought for an occupation searcher notto send a card to say thanks or follow-up email after an interview.So, the appropriate response is, unequivocally, YES. During a pursuit of employment, up-and-comers should most certainly send a subsequent email to forthcoming managers after an on location meet, an educational meeting, a telephone meet or an in-person meet. So for what reason is the card to say thanks so basic, and what should it include?Why Send a Thank-You NoteIts Good EtiquetteThe meet isn't ove r when you leave the room.Maybe you went through hours on your prospective employee meet-up arrangement. You might be feeling too certain about your reactions to the inquiries you were posed. In any case, if Im considering recruiting you, I need to think about something other than what you state and how you present yourself. I need to recognize what you do. What's more, Im going to suspect that data by assessing what you do after the gathering: Do you send a card to say thanks? Do you have post-meet follow-up questions that you mindfully make into an email? For what reason do I care such a great amount about your post-talk with decorum? Since I need to know whether your correspondence style is a solid match for me and my group. By what method will you handle work communications? Will you catch up with customers? Are you a professional?When you compose a thank you letter (or dont), you are exhibiting your subsequent aptitudes. From your way to deal with the subsequent email, Im asses sing your undertaking the board aptitudes and whether your composed correspondence is convincing. I can likewise tell whether you can be innovative and thoughtful.Dont simply produce the run of the mill reaction (for the most part something like, Im extremely amped up for the chance to join your organization.) Instead, add on to a portion of the subjects you canvassed in the meeting, or send some fascinating development. For instance: I making the most of our conversation about online life and its job in the promoting esteem chain. I thought this article from HBR may intrigue you.Also, emphasize with insightful detail why you are a convincing fit for the activity. Rundown three reasons that talk explicitly to ventures or occupation obligations shrouded in your activity interview.If you met with a few people, send them customized messages. You can reuse some center components, yet redo them dependent on your discussions. (Which implies you should take notes during the meetings so you can recollect who said what.)You need to show that youre keen on the job.The playing field for great employments is serious. All things considered, 100 individuals go after each open job as indicated by ERE. Employing chiefs need to recruit individuals who are anxious to have the proposition for employment. So impart your fervor about the activity through your email development and make it brief. As I would like to think, you ought to catch up by means of email that day under all circumstances.If you arent clear in your plan and wants, you can be sure another person will be and theyll land the position rather than you.Several individuals have asked me, What about a manually written note? Or then again sending a note to say thanks? While I think a transcribed note is a stunning motion in principle, Im apprehensive its somewhat old in the age where everybody has an email address. Bosses are hoping to perceive how youll lead business, and in my view, sending composed cards to say than ks are simply not an extraordinary sign of present day rehearses contrasted with a thank you email. Besides, they just dont have the quickness so I may have just settled on a choice about you before the snail mail advances toward me.If a composed card to say thanks or letter is a piece of your own style and youre appended to it, at that point send it notwithstanding the email follow up.If your questioner or questioners dont give you a business card or you dont realize their email address, you can either approach them for it toward the finish of the meeting (and disclose that youd like to have it for follow-up purposes), or you can email whoever orchestrated the meeting to demand it so you can send a thank you email after interview.Youre demonstrating great manners.In expansion to assessing whether you can satisfactorily play out the obligations of the activity, any great recruiting chief is additionally utilizing the meeting procedure to decide if you are somebody they would really need to work with. I would say, its consistently critical to discover somebody to employ who can fit well with the organization culture, coexist with others, and speak to our group and friends splendidly when I cannot be there.Manners are basic. On the off chance that you dont compose a card to say thanks or email, particularly after an in-person talk with, Id need to address whether you have the sort of habits that would make you a constructive expansion to the group. On the off chance that applicants dont send a thank you letter, would they say they are the sort of individual who will be chaotic in the lunchroom? Or on the other hand unpleasant to associates? What conduct would you say you are bringing to the table? The nonappearance of a note is simply not a decent ideadoesnt help the impression youre attempting to makeThe organization just has a couple of information focuses about you on which to settle on a recruiting choice so put in your absolute best effort to help your oppo rtunity of settling on a decent impression in the dynamic process.Even in the event that you dont need the activity, you should ALWAYS still send a meeting follow-up email. Each time you talk with, you are establishing a connection and another conceivable association. Its a little, little world and no one can tell how your way may cross once more. So set aside the effort to compose a note at any rate. It shouldnt take more than 10 minutes.Am I simply antiquated? Possibly. be that as it may, possibly so is your questioner. Would you truly like to chance it?How long do you hold on to send a thank you letter after an interview?The short answer? You DONT pause! Send a follow-up thank-you email when you assemble yourself, the notes you have, and any inquiries you may require further explanation on. Dont stand by longer than 24 hours before sending a thank you email. By then youll as of now be forgotten.When you do development, make sure to unequivocally thank your questioner and anybody you interacted with all through the meeting. You can incorporate remarks and questions you may have post-meet, yet every email ought to incorporate an express gratitude toward you.How long does a thank you letter need to be?Generally, your email ought to be a couple of short passages long so you can sufficiently thank your questioner for her time and remark on explicit parts of the meeting you discovered noteworthy.Try to incorporate in any event a couple of explicit remarks about what you talked about, for example, an assignment youre amped up for performing or an obligation youd love to have. This shows you were locked in and focusing during the meeting. Ensure you pronounce your eagerness for the activity generally speaking, too.An Example of a Thank-You NoteNow that youre (ideally) persuaded of the cards to say thanks significance, what should it look like?Below is a fundamental format of what an elegantly composed example thank-you letter ought to include:Subject line:Thank you (position you applied for) interviewBody:Hi (questioner name),Thanks such a great amount for the setting aside the effort to meet with me today! After our discussion, Im significantly increasingly amped up for the possibility to turn into a (position name) at (organization name). In view of what you outlined for me (x, y, and z subjects talked about in the meeting, preferably) inside the organization, I consider this to be as a superb counterpart for my qualities and range of abilities. Given the chance, I genuinely trust I could be of an incentive to you in (x, y, and z ways).I anticipate got notification from you. What's more, if theres any extra data with which I can give you, if it's not too much trouble dont falter to let me know.Best,(Your Name)And there you have it! That wasnt so hard, was it?Have you discovered a viable method to catch up after a meeting? Assuming this is the case, share your recommendation and feelings with other ladies in our locale.- - Romy Newman is Pre sident of Fairygodboss and the fellow benefactor. Shes determined to improve the work environment for ladies by making more prominent straightforwardness. Preceding establishing Fairygodboss, Romy went through more than ten years at The Wall Street Journal, Google and Estee Lauder, where she held different positions of authority. Romy earned her BA from Yale University and her MBA from Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management.