Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why Advertising in a Bad Economy Is Good

Why Advertising in a Bad Economy Is GoodWhy Advertising in a Bad Economy Is GoodIn a recession, the first dollars that a company usually cuts come from the advertising budget. Thats a big mistake. Advertising in a recession is actually a smart business move to grow your business, both now, and for the future. Its notlage the risk you may think it is. McGraw-Hill Research conducted a study of U.S. recessions from 1980-1985. Out of the 600 business-to-business companies analyzed, the ones who continued to advertise during the 1981-1982 recession hit a 256-percent growth by 1985 over their competitors that eliminated or decreased spending. American Business Press analyzed 143 companies during the economic downturn back in 1974 and 1975. Companies that advertised in those years saw the highest growth in sales and net income during the recession and the two years that followed. The numbers arent a fluke. They prove theres a reward for companies who are aggressive with their advertising ef forts in a recession. Here are even more reasons why you need to advertise your business in a badeanstalt economy Your Competition Wont Advertise Most small businesses have a limited advertising budget. During a recession, its easy to make up some of those dollars by unternehmensverbund back on advertising. But all that really does is open up the marketplace for that companys most savvy competitors. The presence the business has spent ad dollars on to build up is now an open field for the competitors that are willing to advertise. Lets say you own an auto parts store. Consumers still need your company, no matter what the economy. Cars still break down. They still need windshield wipers and people will even buy those tree air fresheners. By advertising when all other stores are pinching pennies, you can scoop up a ton of new business. You Can Tailor Your Message and Make More Sales Think of it this way during a booming economy, people are playing more fast and loose with thei r money, so theyre not as discerning. While you may believe that is a good thing, it can hurt a lot of smaller businesses. Money is no object, so the big brands can scoop up premium advertising space and blast it at every conceivable target audience. But during a recession, consumers pull back hard on those spending reins and are much more careful about how they put their money to work. Thats when you can really take advantage. The big brands will reduce their spend, giving you not only a chance to talk to people you would never usually talk to but to also tailor cost-saving messages just for them. You know that whats first and foremost on their minds is money, and saving it. Now, they can get a quality item for less, because theyre not paying for a bunch of advertising and marketing (Beats headphones are a prime example of this...mediocre product, huge ad, and product design costs). This is your chance to talk openly about costs, and how you can help. Once the recession is over, y oull have gained a whole new customer base that wont go back to the competition. You Can Create a Long-Term Position for Your Business Standing out in the marketplace is hard enough when you and your competition are battling it out in the ad world. As your competition cuts back on ad spending, your advertising can cut through that clutter. Consumers may not be spending as much but they are still spending. If youre not the company they think of when they do spend, your sales will decrease. While your competition is cutting back, you have the chance to be the company consumers spend with now while gaining their future business as you continue to advertise in good times and bad. You Can Establish Advertising Contacts This is the perfect time to establish a relationship with the person youll be doing business with at TV stations, radio stations, magazines, online, etc. An account executive can be your go-to contact to get your ads in prime sitzordnung, negotiate good deals on ra tes and even get extras thrown in for your ads. You can also use this new relationship to further grow your business. Talk with the AE about sponsorships, advertising trades, and partnering. You Will Get Better Deals on Advertising This is where you can use your new advertising contacts. Ad inventory still has to be sold. TV stations, radio stations, websites, outdoor vendors, and magazines still have budgets to make. Nows a good time to get deals on your ad space. You can get more exposure through more ad placement and even freebies added into the mix. If youre trying to get airtime on TV, for example, a station might also offer online advertising on its website as part of the deal. Or to be more accurate these days, buying a huge amount of space online could lead to additional impressions elsewhere, again thrown in as a special offer. You Can Speak Directly to Bargain Hunters Dont be afraid to address the bad economy in your advertising. Customers are looking for good deal s. Some national advertisers are a prime example of this. Travelocity aired a simple commercial to announce its Silver Lining Sale. In the first three seconds, you see the words, We know times are tight. Wal-Mart continually runs effective ad campaigns in poor economic climates. The commercials dont say, Hey, come on out. Weve got electronics, clothes, sporting goods, prescriptions and more at a low cost. Instead, the ads focus on very specific items and how much youll save over a year by purchasing these items directly from Wal-Mart. In a bad economy, there are many opportunities to expose your business to new customers that arent always possible in a good economy. Every one of them can be explored to help you solidify your place in business and stand out from your competitors.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Dont forget to take out the trash!

Dont forget to take out the trashDont forget to take out the trashDanielle Correa is the Diversity Project Assistant here at Vault. She also endured one of the most painful internships of all-time while an underemployed undergrad, hoping to beef up her resume before graduation. When it welches all over after just three hellish weeks, she endured six months of unemployment (during which, we assume, a few more great storiesoccurred). So what would you have done? Save yourself the misery, or endure this weeks edition of Temporary Tales? Read on and decide for yourself, then let us know And as always, if youve got a tale of your own, be sure to send it to PinkSlippedVault.comAbout a month before graduation, it occurred to me that my resume could use a little boost. My fabulous life of bartending and waitressing didnt exactly scream Hire me to potential post-grad employers, so I decided (I mucksmuschenstill cant believe I did, but I did) to branch out in search of the perfect internship. No longer able to count on the $300 nightly direct deposit directly into my pocket, zing I knew that while padding my resume, I needed something that would keep my checking account in the black. One April afternoon in the Montclair State computer lab, I stumbled upon what I thought was just that a forwarded email from my department head advertising an internship entitled Creative Writer, which I thought was just perfect, as I wanted to write. Just how wrong I was, I wouldnt know until I had spent three weeks as the most miserable intern in the tri-state area. On my first day I arrived at 8 am sharp to discover that I was the first person there and the schreibstube door was locked. The office was situated on the second floor of a realtors office, and knowing that the company was tiny only 8 people, including me I figured I had no choice but to ask the realtors receptionist for a key. She kindly requested that I please bugger off and wait outside. No one had told her there was an intern arriving for her first day that day (and whos going to give a key to the intern, honestly?). I was a little perturbed, but what could I do? I went outside as instructed and my interviewer arrived about 10 minutes later apologizing for being late on my first day. Sensing this might become a regular occurrence, I asked him about getting a key. I was met with something along the lines of, We dont give keys to interns. Strike oneOnce upstairs, I found my new desk waiting for me, miles from the other cubicles and very close to the door, suspiciously so, since I believed my job would involve working closely with the rest of the team. I was told that they were in the process of hiring a receptionist but hadnt found one yet. Can you guess who got to be the resident Pam Beesley in the meantime? Alright, so I had just become a Creative Writer slash Secretary. I guess this might have been okay if I had ever been given a single option to write. Things really seemed to be working out so far.When it came time to meet the rest of my co-workers, they were welcoming at first, but for the remainder of my time with the company I heard the snickering and whispering by the water cooler. I saw them look at me and then turn away and laugh amongst themselves, which would have been uncomfortable enough before factoring in that I was the only woman working for this company. Strike twoFinally, the fun part meeting the CEO. Pardon my French when I say, what an arrogant, sexist $* Clearly I wouldnt have been so eager to take the internship if Personal slave to CEO were listed under the job requirements. When he needed something mailed, I licked the stamps, got into my beat up 1992 Honda Prelude and drove across town to the post office (his letters almost always had to be mailed internationally). I did this every day for three weeks, rain or shine. I made coffee. Of course, Mr. CEO liked his coffee stronger than everyone else, so I made two separate pots of coffee three times a day. Every day I ordered his lunch and picked it up since the jerk was too cheap to pay for delivery. If he had a meeting, I ordered clients lunches as well, and was then forced to place plates, utensils, condiments the works in front of unterstellung clients, as if I were some baboon Whenever anyone called the office, I had to get up and announce who was calling, why, and from what company rather than simply transfer Mr. CEOs calls directly. I wasnt allowed to email him messages or forward voicemails, either. I had to write them down, then go to his desk and announce the list to him twice a day. By the grace of the internship gods, I was afforded an hour lunch break my lone perk.Sadly, all of this was a cakewalk compared with my most miserable task. The company had no janitor or cleaning service, so after a long day of running errands, jumping through hoops like a circus ape and doing the opposite of the job I thought I was hired to do, I got to take out the trash. I was require d to collect everyones personal garbage and the large one from the kitchen, then lug them to the one nearby dumpster a block away. And you know Mr. CEO never forgot to poke his head over my desk at 455 as he was heading out the door and say, Dont forget to take out the trash.Its one thing to treat the intern like, well, garbage. However, Mr. CEO didnt even pretend to respect me. Hed berate me in front of the entire office, and never coached me on how he wanted things done, despite my repeated inquiries. I think you know where this is going Strike threeAfter three weeks, I finally put my foot down and quit. Stressing over some two-bit CEOs personal errands? Really not worth the $8.50 an hour. To recap, thats $300-a-night waitressing gig gone, and miserable (but paid) internship gone. In spite of it all, I was proud that I had stood up for myself, confident that I could command respect from my superiors in the future, and sure that I really had tried my best. I looked ahead and search ed for my new enterprise. It awaited me somewhere.And if you think that was awful, stay tuned for the journey that follows this temporary talesix months of unemploymentPosted by Danielle Correa, Vault Diversity Project Asst.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Three ASME Code Courses to Be Presented Next Month in New York

Three ASME Code Courses to Be Presented Next Month in New York Three ASME Code Courses to Be Presented Next Month in New York Three ASME Code Courses to Be Presented Next Month in New YorkASME Learning Development will offer three Code-related training courses next month in New York City. The classes, which are developed and presented by respected industry experts, will take place from Aug. 20 to 24 at New Horizons at 462 Seventh Ave. in Manhattan.The first course, API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 Fitness-for-Service, is designed to help participants understand and apply the API/ASME fitness-for-service standard in the workplace. The material presented in the course, which will take place Aug. 20-22, will demonstrate how the disciplines of stress analysis, materials engineering, and nondestructive inspection interact and apply to fitness-for-service assessment. The assessment methods apply to pressure vessels, piping, and tanks that are in-service.BPV Code, Section VIII, teilen 1 Design and Fab rication of Pressure Vessels, to be held Aug. 20-22, is a comprehensive, three-day introduction to the requirements of Section VIII, Division 1 including background, organization, design, materials, fabrication, inspection, testing and documentation of pressure vessels. The class will examine the more commonly applied subsections and paragraphs, and includes a practical discussion of individual problems and situations.A third training course, Inspection, Repairs, and Alterations of Pressure Equipment, will provide participants with a thorough introduction to the requirements of various codes and standards as they relate to inspection, repairs and alterations of pressure equipment, particularly pressure vessels. The course, which will be offered Aug. 23 and 24, will cover the requirements of the National Board Inspection Code and the API-510 in detail and include a brief introduction to API-579, Fitness-for-Service.Participants can register for the last two courses as the BPV Code, S ection VIII, Division 1 Combo Course and save up to $665.For more information on the ASME Learning Development training courses in New York, or to register, visit http//go.asme.org/newyork3.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Best Jobs for Community College Graduates

Best Jobs for Community College GraduatesBest Jobs for Community College GraduatesMany high school students overlook community colleges when considering higher education. According to theCommunity College Research Center, 8.7 million students attended community colleges in 2016-2017. 34 percent of all undergraduate students attended school at the community college level. Why are community colleges worth a serious look in todays higher education marketplace? Reasons to Consider Community College Cost Savings Why consider a community college instead of a four-year college? Certainly, cost is one factor. According to theCollege Board, the average tuition for in-state students at public two-year colleges (the typical community college) for 2018-2019 was $3,660, while public four-year colleges charged $26,290 and private colleges had anaverage tuition costof $35,830. In addition, over a dozen states now offer some form offree community college education. Job Opportunities Anot her compelling reason to consider community colleges is the rapid rate of growth anticipated in occupations requiring an associates degree - the degree typically offered at community colleges. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that associates degree jobs will grow by 17.6% by 2022, while bachelors degree jobs will grow by 12.1%. profil Income Income level is yet another reason to consider a community college degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, two-year college graduates earned an average of $42,952 asof the third quarter of 2018, while high school graduates earned an average of only $38,272. A major reason for the relatively high growth rates and income levels of community college jobs is the specialized nature of many of the degrees. Community college students often study disciplines inwhich they develop skills that are readily applicablein the marketplace. The vast majority of the highest paying associates degreejobs (and those with the highest projecte d growth rates) fall into three categories healthcare, engineering and other areas of technology. All of these segments are experiencing an above-average expansion in employment opportunities due to economic trends. Top 17 Best Jobs for Community College Graduates Of course, the best jobs for associates degreeholders will vary based on the unique skills, interests and values that you bring to the table. Two major considerations will be income potential and the availability of jobs. Heres a list of two-year degrees with solid income and growth potential, according to theBureau of Labor Statistics Construction managersattracted an average salary of $91,370 asof May 2017, but keep in mind the fact that they usually had acquiredseveral years construction experience in conjunction with their degree. Construction manager jobs are expected to grow by 11% by 2026. However, construction is a very cyclical field where opportunities will fluctuate greatly betweenperiodsofeconomicexpansion to recessions. Diagnostic medical sonographersvacanciesare expected to experience growth of 23% or higher by 2026, with an average income of $55,270 asof May 2017. Dental hygienistsjobsare expected to grow at a much higher-than-average rate of 20% by 2026.On average they earned $74,070 asof May 2017. Registered nurserolesandradiation therapistjobsboth are slated for growth rates between 13-15% by 2026, with average salaries of $70,000 and $80,570 respectively,asof May 2017. Opportunities forveterinary technologists and techniciansare expected to expand 20% by 2026, with an average salary of $33,400 asof May 2017. Vacanciesforenvironmental science and protection techniciansandenvironmental engineering techniciansare both expected to grow 13-15% by 2026.They garnered average salaries of $45,490 and $50,230 respectively,asof May 2017. Civil engineering technicianjobsare expected to grow by an average of 9% by 2026 and had an average salary of $51,620,asof May 2017. Geologic and petrole um technicianjobsareforecastto expand 16% by 2026.They had an average income of $54,190 asof May 2017. Jobs forfuneraldirectorsare expected to increase 5% by 2026 and attracted an average salary of $56,850,asof May 2017. Paralegals and legal assistantscan expect job growth of about 15% through 2026. The average salary for this field was $50,410 asof May 2017. Jobs forweb developersaresuggestedto expand15% by 2026 and they attracted an average salary of $67,990 asof May 2017. Respiratory therapists and radiologic technologistsare predicted to experience job growth of 23% and 13% respectively by 2026 and earned average salaries of about $60,000,asof May 2017. Physical therapy assistantsandoccupational therapy assistantsare expected to experience job growth of 29-31% by 2026 and had average salaries of $57,430 and $59,310 respectively,asof May 2017. For more information on these jobs and for information on other career options flowing from a community college degree, consult theOccupat ional Outlook Handbook.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tips for Breaking into the Travel Business

Tips for Breaking into the Travel Business Tips for Breaking into the Travel Business The industry may be changing, but it certainly isnt dyingemployment in the travel industry hit an all-time highin October, reaching 8.027 million jobs overall. In fact, the travel industry has been thriving since we started to climb out ofGreat Recession, creating jobs 40 percent faster than the rest of the economy.Does this entice you? Do you want to know more about what it takes to succeed in the travel industry? I talked with Nick Van Gruisen, managing director of The Ultimate Travel Company, about the state of the industry, what he looks for in employees, and what he has to say to people who are looking to break into the business.(Note Van Gruisens answers have been minimally edited for style and clarity)Recruiter.comSome say that travel is a dying industry, thanks to technological advances. Do you agree? Disagree?Nick Van GruisenI obviously disagree. I think that there will always be a necess ity for expert advice and knowledge given personally. Especially for long-haul travelers visiting exotic and unusual places that may be out of their comfort zone, it can really help to speak to someone with experience who knows the area they are visiting well. This expert advice is essential to ensuring they have a good trip. Getting to know our clients personally is how we make sure they get what they want, know what they need to know, and are fully prepared for a successful holiday.RCWhats the outlook like for people who want to get into travel? Pipe dream or a good shot at employment? Why?NVGA lot of young people come to me, and they will tell me about their travel experiences backpacking all over South America, all over India, and their memories of living on a dollar a day in Thailand. They have seen so many beaches and so many sunsets and so many ancient ruins that often they think, The travel business must want me.However, the fact is that the skill in travel is elend explaini ng what the Taj Mahal looks like. We all know what the Taj Mahal looks like, and we all know why we want to go to India. Crucially, we are elend selling India we are selling the best way of doing India.There is a huge variety of accommodation which compliments India, and our skill is putting round pegs in round holes. You can stay in a six-star hotel, a colonial hotel, or a minimalistic hotel, and you are all still seeing the Taj Mahal. It comes down to what individuals prefer. Its not the cash you just might loathe big international hotels. We talk to our clients and make the decision by asking the right questions and getting the feel for the person. Its not what can you afford. They all have their nuances.Therefore, sometimes these young people who know South America like the back of their hand lack the experience and insight we need, and its not their fault. Perhaps they have been sleeping rough or camping on their adventures, and they havent visited a single good restaurant or s mart hotel. I tell them that the best training you can get is working for a travel company in this country and learning the bare essentials of travel, ticketing, cost, and experiencing the actual day-to-day life in the industry.RCWhat are the top three skills you look for in travel employees? Why these skills?NVG1. Sales abilityIn the old days you were almost more of an order-taker, but now to be successful in this industry, youve got to be a salesman. The competition is huge out there, both from other agencies in this country and overseas companies trying to break into our market. The Internet also now plays an enormous part in people looking for travel, so we have to stand out. Its not just being an expert you actually haveto be able to sell it well.2. Charming and relatableFollowing on, to be a good salesperson, you need to have good people skills. We look for people who are charming and relatable. The person you are selling to is probably talking to three other companies, all wi th very similar itineraries and similar prices. You, personally, could be the deciding factor. You have got to convince them to book with you because you are the best. You may be more trustworthy, or more user-friendly, or willing to jump higherto give them what they want.3. Good organization skills, with attention to detailOur employees need to be excellent at organization and detail. When you organize a 10,000+trip for a couple, youre putting a lot at risk. People may be saving up for years or even a lifetime for that holiday. Its a huge expense. After a car and a house, its probably the third biggest expense. If you mess up forget to book a hotel, book the wrong airline, or forget to tell them to get a visa you can cause big trouble. It is a big problem both emotionally for all involved and financially for the company. It just takes one little oversight, and you can really upset people and cost them a lot of money. Organization and detail are key to the role.So, the ideal trave l employee needs to be a charming salesman with excellent organization skills and attention to detail.RCWhat advice do you have for someone who wants to get into travel?NVG In the travel industry, the product is lovely, but the day-to-day work is very clerical. Creating a holiday and selling a holiday takes a lot of work. You are producing huge itineraries, working out costs, and dealing with crisis situations, such as people changing their mind or airlines canceling. The work is precise, detailed, and very repetitive. My advice would be to prepare for this. Dont expect to be out on trips as soon as you start. We give thorough interviews, and we dont say it is the most glamorous job.Anybody working for smaller companies like ours will be very hands on. Id always say, work for a big company like Trail Finders or Audley which employ 200 to 250 people learn the basics, and come see us in a few years.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

How to Choose Hard Skills to Put on Resume

How to Choose Hard Skills to Put on Resume Each word on your resume can be a trigger for a question via an interviewer, and youll often be requested to provide examples of the skills that youve referenced. Most candidates are writing that which we call a work description resume. Its also important to go past the job posting. Graphic-based resumes enable you to lay out complex data in a simplistic way. The Benefits of Hard Skills to Put on Resume The next step is look at the work description for the position youre applying for and earn a list of the essential skills that are listed. In other words, having a positive attitude is completely crucial if you wish to stick out from your peers. The very best approach would be to figure out the essence of the job. The 5-Minute Rule for Hard Skills to Put on Resume The placement of your skills section is also a rather important issue to take into account. Read through it a couple of occasions and youll probably spot three or four essential skills mentioned repeatedly throughout the document. There are a couple distinct kinds of skill sections and formatting options which you ought to consider when crafting your resume. A Key Skills section, on the flip side, is listed at the very top of a resume. The Truth About Hard Skills to Put on Resume Theres only so much room on your resume, and at times it can be tough to properly convey all you should. The experience section will constitute the body of your resume. Therere prepared for save, if you need and desire to obtain that, simply click save logo in the short article, and it will be instantly saved to your house computer. At precisely the same time, the resume may also convince the decision maker that they dont wish to learn anything further about you. When considering what things to put on a resume, skills are the absolute most important. Hard skills arent skills that are tough to learn. They include the specific knowledge and abilities required fo r success in a job. Some skills might be relevant while others arent. Look through the work description and see whether any soft skills are mentioned. They, on the other hand, are bedrngnis easy to quantify. In the majority of cases, your soft skills can boost your hard skills. As stated earlier, assessing soft skills is significantly more difficult. As you proceed through the list of skills above, make a distinct list with the skills which you already possess. Soft skills are the skills that are relevant to every job. Lets make sure that you make the absolute the majority of the opportunity that your resumes skills section can offer. When social media started there were not any tools to measure the effect of your campaigns and advertising initiatives on social networking. The expression social media marketing was not in the lexicon. Once it means your skills are more in demand, additionally, it means there are a variety of new tools you could need to learn so as to create a thriving career. Then you may add in wonderful Web skills, such as email campaigns and societal media. The capacity to analyze data and use that information for the advantage of your business is extremely beneficial. For instance, if the position youre applying for is for content marketing, but youve never written online content, maybe you should find different jobs that fit your skills. Your skills section stipulates a window into how much capability youll be able to bring to the provider. In truth, it might be appropriate to incorporate a more prominent core competencies section at the peak of your resume with in depth descriptions of certain skills if theyre absolutely central to success in the desired position. The Downside Risk of Hard Skills to Put on Resume For entry-level or first-time applicants who dont have any experience, volunteer work makes a great stand-in. Your skills are an overview of what you could do for the prospective employer if you were offered the work at this time. To start, you dont need to list every job that youve ever had. Also, dont hesitate to list non-traditional work like volunteer jobs or freelance work, particularly if you havent held a normal job in a little while.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Is it worth doing an internship

Is it worth doing an internship Is it worth doing an internship?Posted December 19, 2013, by Jo Messer Im a local uni student and am confused about the rules around internships as Ive heard there are things were not legally allowed to do. Are internships still a good idea and should I try to organise one myself or get my uni to do it? Felicity, 21, communications student Internships are a fantastic way to gain valuable industry experience related to your field of study. There are many different kinds of work experience some may be included as part of your course and some is entirely optional. The terms internship, distribution policyment and work experience are often used interchangeably. However, internships are normally undertaken towards the end of your qualification and are related directly to your course of study. Theres been a lot of noise in the media lately about unpaid internships and ritterlich Work Australia has launched a crackdown on exploitation of interns, drawing attention to the Fair Work Act. If youre doing an internship as part of your course then that will generally fall within the scope of the Fair Work Act. Anything outside of that needs to be carefully considered and may entitle you to be paid at the minimum wage. Are internships a good idea? Yes, absolutely but that is assuming that all the requirements are met. Its important that your internship has real benefits, both to you and the employer. Your internship should have clear objectives and the expectations need to be clearly articulated. Internships offer you an opportunity to Gain relevant career experience Develop your industry knowledge Build your professional networks Develop your skills and confidence Boost your resume Gain a competitive advantage in the graduate employment market Finding an internship Finding an internship may not be easy and youll need to do your research and be persistent. The first step is to find out if your university offers a formalised program. Many courses have credit units that require you to complete industry-based learning and your university may have a directory of organisations that you can contact. Alternatively, you may have to find your own internship (which may or may not be for credit). Most universities have a jobs board so this is a good place to start. Also check out relevant professional associations and consider formal vacation programs and other industry-based programs. Many of these are advertised on Graduate Opportunities or Unigrad. You can also do a search on Student Internships, a directory of student internship opportunities. A note on insurance Before starting your internship you need to check if you are covered for insurance either by the university or by the employer. If you are paid during your internship then you are an employee and the responsibility for insurance falls to your employer. Most universities will offer indemnity insurance when an internship or placement is a formal requirement for a c ourse. If you are undertaking an internship with an organisation that uses volunteers, then you should be covered by their volunteer insurance arrangements (this would apply, for example, to hospitals, not-for-profits and community organisations). Jo Messer is a Career Development Specialist who has many years of experience in supporting and guiding students and graduates of some of Australias most respected universities, as well as mature-aged clients, across all facets of their career. She is a Professional Member of CDAA and an active member of NAGCAS. Whether you have a specific question about how to achieve your career goal or something more general, Jo is available to provide you with up-to-date advice. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchescareer advisor onlineuns w early entrystudy in australia for international studentsyear 10 work experience ideasflexible entry usyd CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire erreichbar Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJo MesserRelated ArticlesBrowse moreITWhere you can take your IT careerHave you tried turning it off and on again? If you think this phrase sums up what a career in IT means, then think again. Heres the lowdown on the many directions you can take your IT career.WORKFORCE TRENDSSalaries set to rise with strengthening economyAbout half of employers are planning to increase their workers salaries by up to six per cent, and nearly one in 10 are willing to consider a 10 per cent rise, according to the latest Hays annual salary guide.EMPLOYER RESOURCESWork etiquettePreventing the spread of flu in the officeWith winter almost up on us, flu season is approaching so it would be wise to start thinking about what you can do to help prevent catching and spreading the dreaded lurgy.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

More People Prefer to Work for a Male Boss

More People Prefer to Work for a Male BossMore People Prefer to Work for a Male BossYou dont like being stereotyped as a woman, so dont make the mistake of stereotyping all men as being the same to work for. The glass ceiling is a reality in the corporate world, but that does not mean all men in the corporate world will refuse to promote or fairly compensate women. Lumping all men together isnt any more productive than it is to lump all women into groups. In fact, another stereotype you should ignore is those female bosses are notorious for being more difficult to work for than male bosses despite data to suggest otherwise. In recorded Gallup polls since 1953, men and women say they prefer to work for a male boss rather than a female boss. In a 1953 Gallup poll, 66% of those asked said they would prefer working for a man than for a woman. (When considering the 1953 data, it does pay to bear in mind the types of jobs women held in the 1950s and that the majority of wage earners were m en.) Although the statistics have changed dramatically over the past 60-some years, the number of respondents stating they would prefer working for a woman has never exceeded 25%. In a 2013 Gallup Poll that asked Americans, If you were taking a new job and had your choice of a boss, would you prefer to work for a man or a woman? respondents who had a preference still preferred to work for a man Americans are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss (33%) to a female boss (20%) in a new job, although 46% say it doesnt make a difference to them. While women are more likely than men to say they would prefer a female boss, they are still more likely to say they would prefer a male boss overall. Does It Mean Men Are Better Bosses Than Women? The poll data alone is not conclusive, but we can still see some interesting points More women prefer to work for men than another woman however, of all respondents who stated they would prefer working for a woman, the majority are a lso women.Workers of both genders who currently have a female boss were more likely to prefer working for another woman in the future than for a man. The above may suggest that not having worked for a woman before may be a factor in how respondents replied. However, it might also be that workers, in general, feel men have more power and influence in the working world and, therefore, may be in a better position to offer advancement. What Can Be Learned From This Data Women are still seen as being less desirable to work for than male bosses, at least to some degree. Stereotypes may be one explanation as to why more people stated their preference for working for a man, but other 2013 Gallup poll statistics could suggest that ones personal belief system and values may also be a factor 46% of Republican respondents preferred a male boss.16% of Republican respondents stated a preference for a female boss.29% of Democrat respondents chose male and 25% said they would prefer working for a woman. Republicans tend to have more conservative family values and different attitudes about the role of women in society and prefer working for men while Democrats seemed to consider gender less of an issue. How you view women in the workforce and their role in society at large also seems to be a factor as to why certain groups lean in one direction or another. People who work for a female boss (regardless of gender, age, or party line) were more likely to state they would choose another female boss. That attitude would seem to indicate women do make good bosses. The bottom line is this women make great bosses and so do men, but it would be unfair to say all men make great bosses (because they are men) and that all women make great bosses (because they are women). What makes a boss great probably has a lot less to do with gender than individual styles, approaches, and attitudes towards subordinates- how a boss treats employees- and that our own individual filters through which we see gender are a lot less reliable than we may think.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How financial infidelity impacts mental health

How financial infidelity impacts mental healthHow financial infidelity impacts mental healthBefore we tied the knot and merged ur finances, my husband and I decided to each hang on to a credit card from our single days. Higher limits in case of an emergency and the ability to charge a surprise gift unnoticed solidified our decision. But as I scanned our joint credit card charges brde month, I thought back to our individual cards and how easy it would be for either of us to be financially unfaithful.Marital infidelity is widely known, butresearchshows that financial infidelity is on the rise.41% of American adultsreported that theyve hidden accounts, debt, or spending habits from their partner. Arecent surveydetermined that millennials are nearly twice as likely to hide money or accounts from partners than other generations.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreChoosing to keep financi al choices hidden from a loved one - no matter how seemingly harmless - can have significant repercussions for relationships and for your mental health.Hiding Finances Breaks TrustDeliberately concealing or lying about finances creates a barrier in even the strongest relationships. When exposed, it breaks down an essential component of partnerships trust. Without thefoundational element of trust, couples may face an uphill battle that would require time, focused effort, and professional support to rebuild.It is difficult to repair trust once it has been broken, said Washington D.C.-based Talkspace therapist Cynthia Catchings, LCSW-S, CFTP. When one of the partners withholds information from the other or covers it up, it is normal to feel betrayed, guilty, anxious, or depressed. All these can lead to problems and affect our mental health.Megan McCoy, a professor at Kansas State University who specializes in financial therapy,told NPRthat money fights are often more intense and last longer because money relates to significant life events like college savings or retirement.Realizing the deception from someone you love adds to the pain. Its hard to realize someone could be so fake to you, someone you thought you understood and could read, she said.The Bigger the Secret, the Greater the Long-Term StressLiving a double life riddled with worry can send stress levels skyrocketing. Will he discover that extra account? Will she find out about my compulsive gambling? Will he see my credit card debt? There are many stressors in everyday life - includingsome that may surprise you- but as the financial stakes get higher when you cheat financially, the stress levels will, too.Long-term stress can have a lasting impact on your health and negatively affect your immune, digestive, sleep, and reproductive systems.TheNational Institute of Mental Healthwarns that chronic stress can lead to complications like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and mental health condi tions like depression. The financial choices you hide clearly have implications that can last long after a secret transaction.Financial Anxiety is AmplifiedFeeling nervous, sweating, increased heart rate, and having trouble sleeping are just a few of thecommon symptomsrelated to anxiety, which can develop from financial infidelity. We all experience these feelings from time to time, but in some cases, individuals can developanxiety disorders, where the symptoms do not subside and often get worse over time.The inverse can also be true. Astudy by the Royal College of Physicians foundthat about half of people with problems like anxiety also struggle with problem debt.Finances, in general, are a common source of anxiety. Its one of themain issuescouples fight about, and with Baby Boomers entering retirement, its become an even more significant issue. But its not just impacting older generations. Astudy from Northwestern Mutualfound that nearly 25% of millennials have felt physically ill because of their finances and more than half have felt depressed. Tack on the secrecy and deceit interwoven in financial infidelity, and youll see how this form of cheating can make anxiety skyrocket.The Lies Begin to SnowballWhats the hurt of one trashed receipt, one big bet, or one private loan? Its actually more dangerous than you think. Thesnowball effectapplies to lying - no matter what the topic.Researcherswho studied the brain activity of people who told small lies found that they were more likely to tell larger lies in the future.Whether its evading tax, infidelity, doping in sports, making up data in science, or financial fraud, deceivers often recall how small acts of dishonesty snowballed over time and they suddenly found themselves committing quite large crimes, study co-author Tali Sharot said in anews article.Because every couple is different, Catchings encourages us to think beyond generalizations. If there are no repercussions, the person may continue to be deceitf ul. He or she may instead feel remorseful and stop the behavior.The main point is to recognize that we need the help and to be able to work with our fears, Catchings said. It is much better to be honest and work through relationship issues centered on money as early as we can, instead of having to deal with a mountain of stories and lies that can truly destroy the relationship.Working together as a couple in the spirit of openness, you can set the road map that will lead to a strengthenedrelationshipand freedom on the way to recovery.This article first appeared on Talkspace.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finding a Job Without a College Degree

Finding a Job Without a College DegreeFinding a Job Without a College DegreeBill Gates never graduated from college. Neitzu sich did Michael Dell nor Steve Jobs. Outside of the tech world, Richard Branson has done pretty well for himself without a college degree, as has Barry Diller.But Sharon Willis is a more common example of the challenges to American workers who never graduated from college.Since February, Willis has been the acting vice president for external affairs at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a medical and health-sciences graduate school of 850 students. She will continue in that role until some time in the fall, when she will resume her position as deputy vice president. The VP role is one she wanted to apply for when it became vacant but couldnt, even though she had the experience and knowledge. Why? She doesnt have a bachelors degree.Willis started at the university 28 years ago as a clerk typist and worked her way up through the ranks. She desc ribes herself as the go-to person for just about everybody with whom she works. Willis has done the job of vice president, and the college president knows she is up to the task on a permanent basis, yet her lack of a college diploma - a job requirement means she does not qualify for the position.Willis has hit a professional wall at the university, and she realizes that things would likely not be different elsewhere.When we have vacancies here, I see the qualifications of the applicants, many of whom have masters degrees, said Willis. I realize that if I were to leave here, I would probably rank at the bottom of the applicant pool because of my lack of a degree, despite excellent experience, job stability, a very strong work ethic and great references. Its disheartening.What Willis suspects to be true about the world outside the university is only too real for many of the millions of people the recession unleashed upon the job market. Many of these people started at a company in a n entry-level position and worked their way up the ladder. Not having a college degree may not have mattered until the time came to apply for a new position.Bruce Hurwitz, president and CEO of Hurwitz Strategic Staffing, said he sees this issue come up regularly. Every time I have tried to get a client to waive the college-degree requirement in light of the candidates exemplary work experience, I have been refused, he said. They alfruchtwein always say that it is their policy that all employees have at least a college degree.Such jobs now account for most of the economy. Nearly 60 percent of American jobs now require at least a bachelors degree, according to Help Wanted Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018, a June 2010 report released by the Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University. That number jumped from 28 percent in 1973 to 59 percent in 2008 and is expected to rise to 63 percent over the next decade, the report said.Resume and Netwo rking SolutionsSo is your dream job, even most jobs, out of reach if you dont have a college degree?Not necessarily. Experts who spoke with Ladders said solid, long-term professional experience and proven results can often supersede the need for a college diploma.I believe that employers want the right person for the job, said Karla Porter, director of workforce development and HR for the Greater Wilkes-Barre Chamber of Business and Industry and a private consultant on human capital and new media. Theyre not looking for a certificate, a degree, a piece of paper they are looking for a solution provider. If there is a person who can do that for them and has a proven track record and can show what theyve accomplished for other companies, I believe they will be considered.All of this must be conveyed in a carefully constructed resume. To replace the college-degree situation on a resume, the person needs to stress the results they have been able to achieve due to their extensive experien ce, said Dianne Durkin, president and founder of Loyalty Factor, a consulting and training firm.Make sure the resume is very, very well done, Porter said. If its not, it will go to the C pile.Tony Deblauwe, senior HR partner at Citrix Systems and founder of HR4Change, agreed Your resume has to be rock-solid. It has to demonstrate your experience, your skills, your accomplishments. Youre promoting your best skills so that people focus on that and not get to the end and say, Well, wheres your degree? Cheryl Palmer, president of Call to Career, said she has worked with many people who have been to college but never got the degree. When writing a resume for a person in this situation, she mentions the college major and degree program but does not state that that he has a degree. Im being truthful, but not drawing undue attention to the fact that they dont have a degree.This strategy will also help you get your resume past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software that most companies use to screen resumes.If a job description says bachelors degree required and you dont have a bachelors degree, your resume can say bachelors degree not completed or not attained so the system will pick up the keywords bachelors degree, Porter said. You dont want to say anything that is not true, but you want your resume to get in front of people. Make sure your resume contains the same keywords that the job description contains, and then rearrange them to how they fit for you.All the experts who spoke with Ladders emphasized the importance of describing any training, certifications or licenses you have to show that you have invested in some training for yourself. I havent found too many scenarios where people have done nothing, Deblauwe said. Theyve at least taken some college classes or gotten some certifications or something to talk to. Or something internal from a previous company.Its commonly understood that networking is one of the most important things you can do when pursuin g a new job, but its even more critical if you dont have a degree, said Palmer. If you dont have a degree, the whole idea of networking is much, much more critical, she said. Employers prefer to hire someone that they know something about. They prefer people who have come referred. If you are trying to land a job in this very competitive job market and you dont have a degree, you really have to take that networking to another level, to get around the fact that most employers are looking for a bachelors degree at an absolute minimum.Along those same lines, strong recommendations from clients, former employers, co-workers and associations can go a long way toward making up for the lack of a college degree.Its Never Too LateSo, what else can you do if you dont have a college degree? Well, you can get one or at least begin working toward one, no matter what your age.Once enrolled in a program, you can write on a resume that a degree is in progress, experts suggested.Thats just what the Uniformed Services Universitys Willis is doing.A busy single mother of three, Willis is taking classes in business management in the hopes that she can break through the barriers put up by the lack of a degree. Willis said her boss is very supportive and is giving her whatever time she needs. In addition, because she works for a federal institution, she gets tuition reimbursement. All of this, along with flexible options such as online classes, has allowed Willis to start on a path she hopes will lead to a higher-level position.I think in the long run, people are much better off just going ahead and pursuing the degree, no matter how hard it may be, she said. Thats what everyone will be looking for. You do get to a certain point where you just cant go any further, and thats where I am right now.